5 Essential Elements For avvocato penalista

5 Essential Elements For avvocato penalista

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- Lo studio dell'Avv. Andrea Stefanelli si occupa di assistenza legale giudiziale e stragiudiziale, nelle sua sede di Lecce. In una realtà giuridica in continua evoluzione l'avv. Andrea Stefanelli si propone come un professionista giovane e dinamico sempre attento all'analisi e all'approfondimento delle nuove problematiche giuridiche.

By having an expertise of in excess of thirty many years while in the Global juridical industry, we can offer rapid and successful guidance with regard to Intercontinental lawful concerns.

Offer us with all the documentation you've got in the possession around the authorized make any difference that considerations you;

We cope with sensitive situations every day which has authorized us to gain great practical experience in this certain and really fragile lawful sector exactly where the interests at stake are large (consider the freedom of the individual wrongfully arrested).

They played up link challenges to prevent answering inquiries. Refused to ship any justification relating to their function. Did not appear to be even familiar with the case as they did not know the amounts invested/dropped. Sent me lender aspects of the account in London (suspicious as the organization is in Italy) with no corresponding Bill and asked for 10% of the money invested/misplaced upfront without any guarantee of any fund recovery. The amount lost was sizeable and would stand for a pleasant payday to the firm. I pay for solutions rendered- not promised.

Ci sono diverse tipologie di reati dei quali si può occupare un avvocato penalista. Di seguito sono elencati i più frequenti nei quali viene richiesta la sua presenza, ma l’elenco non è da considerarsi esaustivo in quanto il diritto penale è molto complesso e articolato. Un avvocato penalista può occuparsi di:

Ritengo che, alla foundation di ogni causa vi sia necessità di coniugare interessi diversi, for every questo have a peek at this web-site prediligo mediazioni che raggiungono soluzioni ragionevoli, con costi competitivi, in tempi che la giustizia non sarebbe mai in grado di fornire.

H24 Criminal Attorney is surely an Italian regulation business that deals with felony protection in drug trafficking proceedings in Italy. Make sure you Get hold of us if you'll want to. have a peek at this web-site In the following paragraphs I will reveal what drug trafficking in Italy is, how it is punished and how to proceed in the event of arrest in Italy for a drug demo.

As proof weblink of his education also in the administrative area he received, after graduating in legislation, a grasp in setting up and administration from the territory in the FOR MEZ in Naples, subsequently specializing during the 80s in the Politecnico di Milano.

Specializzato in diritto penale dell'impresa (fallimentare, tributario e societario) e diritto penale militare opera su tutto il territorio nazionale. Offre assistenza giudiziale e consulenza stragiudiziale

The continuous updating of our Intercontinental attorneys will allow us to provide shoppers with adequate answers to any trouble concerning the legal sector with distinct reference for the Global one.

L’impugnazione della sentenza di condanna apre le porte a un nuovo grado di giudizio: quello d’appello, appunto.

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